Universe is the unfolding and enfolding of energy, mass, time and space Watercolor, gouache, ink, colored pencils, 10x13 inches |
I just finished this. It had me captivated. The colors look better in the original and I had a hard time photographing this. The painting began as a mire of ink colors that I poured on. I put saran wrap over the wet inks on let it dry. Well,when it dried, it was a challenge to "listen" what needs to happen next. I thought of my favorite birds, herons. After drawing the right one, I painted negatively all around it. Then the second one, on the left, got drawn in and I painted the negative space around the bird shapes again. The broken like grid left by the saran wrap was interesting to me and the painting looked as if it had two dimensions. I liked that. The previous night, I was leading meditation group, and I had a short talk using Bohm's observation: The Universe is an unfolding and enfolding of energy, mass, time and space. This stuck in my mind and I wanted to evoke the continual change as a result of the unfolding and enfolding. I used dots of gouache to portray that solid objects are actually aggregations of particles and not solid at all. The grid gave me the feeling of reality being assembled and disassembled from moment to moment, shape shifting and so having a dream like quality.
This is really stunning Jarina. Such beautiful work!! I would love to see it 'in person'!