Friday, February 10, 2012

Starting a new online class

As I am finishing Jane Davies "Uncovering secrets of Color" class, I am getting ready for her next online class on "Composition". The experience of online classes has been interesting. Beside focusing on the class material and practicing the lessons at my own time, the big learning came out of how to negotiate the blog world. Feeling more comfortable with my ability to navigate the cyberspace, I can now relax into fully paying attention to the new topic of composition.
I continue to think that knowing something about the components of design is something necessary for creating a piece of art. And I also know from my personal experience that creative expression happens on its own and I enjoy it best when I am not focusing on the concepts of design principles and the elements that are involved.
Above is one of my older watercolors painted in that surrender to the creative process just happening on its own. I am looking forward to come back to that unplanned, spontaneous creativity again, hopefully with my desire for understanding the way art is analyzed satiated, and wisdom to follow my intuition being stronger again and balanced with an analytical eye.

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